Online CEVNI Test - European Code for Inland Waterways, Code Europeen des Voies de la Navigation Interieure
Anyone skippering a vessel on inland waterways of Europe (not including the UK) should have passed the CEVNI test which is an addition to the International Certificate of Competence.
A full copy of the rules is very longwinded and most people will not read through it. The RYA CEVNI Handbook
, covers the CEVNI rules and some other local regulations to a level that is more suitable for leisure craft.
The test is a short written paper, normally taking no more than 30 minutes to complete. The British Offshore Sailing School run the exam regularly and can be contacted on 023 80 45 77 33. The test can be taken on most Friday afternoons, so if you are travelling to the Solent for the weekend, it may be convenient to fit it in then. Alternatively you can take the CEVNI test online with B.O.S.S. This means that you can prepare for the exam and when you feel ready to take the test, contact the school to arrange access to the online exam which can be taken from anywhere in the World.
The multi-choice paper covers the lights and shapes displayed by craft, the traffic signals and general knowledge about the rules. There is no separate certificate for the CEVNI qualification, it is just an endorsement on your ICC certificate.
Most people take the CEVNI test in conjunction with the International Certificate of Competence exam. This is the minimum qualification that may be requested by charter companies of authorities abroad. Details of the requirements for this qualification are covered in the RYA ICC Handbook: International Certificate of Competence
The British Offshore Sailing School run the exam regularly, either on your own boat or a school one, and they can be contacted on 023 80 45 77 33.
You can download flip cards for the CEVNI signals from is free to use, but if you feel you would like to contribute to the running and development costs you can donate via Paypal:
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