Useful Sailing Links
One of the largest sailing schools in the UK. | |
Skysail have an excellent training site with lots of information covering the RYA courses, plus they have also created the Collision Regulations Chart. | |
Routelist offers free previews / screen shots of iPad navigation apps in operation and links to Apple iBookstore to sample or purchase iBooks on Tidal Waters Route Planning with various iPad Apps. | |
Sailwx - links to tidal height tables for the world. | Sailwx have some very useful tidal and weather links. Just scroll down the page and enter the lat. and long. you are interested in. | | A navigation training site. | |
A useful educational site. | | Loads of animations of knots (in German). | | Great tips for remembering the Rules. |
The UK's sailing authority. | | | An interesting nautical site with useful downloads. Try the nautical lights test generator. | | Lots of practical experiences and advice for sailors. |
The Jester Challenge | Sail the Atlantic in a self reliant manner. | is free to use, but if you feel you would like to contribute to the running and development costs you can donate via Paypal: